Unpack Doubts About Christianity, 1-on-1 Online with Experts.

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How it works.

Are you a Christian who is seriously struggling with doubts? A non-Christian seeker who has sincere questions about the Christian faith? Or have you recently lost your faith and want to explore whether your reasons for loss-of-faith were really rational?

Fill out the form below and we will do our best to schedule a live 1-on-1 video call via Zoom with one of our team members with expertise specific to the field of your question. Note that occasionally we may put you in contact with two of our team members who will both connect with you via a Zoom call.

Note: We are not licensed mental health professionals and we therefore regret that we cannot offer mental health counselling. We are, however, qualified to address questions relating to the existence of God, the reliability of the Bible, religious epistemology, and the rationality of Christian belief.

submit a question

Submit a question.

Submit your doubt or questions confidentially below and one of our team will be in touch to setup a 1-on-1 meeting via video.


    “There is a massive need to help Christians and seekers with serious doubts about God. I am thrilled and honored to support this new ministry that will come alongside people wrestling through their relationship with God. I highly recommend it as an important ministry of the church today.”

    Dr Sean McDowell (associate professor of Christian apologetics at Talbot School of Theology)

    “In a world racked by so much confusion and doubt I am excited to endorse this helpful website. If you’re looking for a safe spot to work through your doubts with a trusted navigator then this site is for you. From one doubter to another, don’t lose hope. He’s got you, my friend!”

    Dr Bobby Conway (host of the One Minute Apologist, author of Doubting Towards Faith)

    “In an age of disenchantment, deconversion, and information saturation, it can be difficult to believe in God. It is not always clear where to turn either. This ministry is exactly what we need: a place to turn to talk to experts on faith about our most pressing questions. I highly recommend this resource to anyone who wonders how Jesus and the gospel answer all the deep questions about life.”

    Dr Paul Gould (associate professor and director of the M.A. in philosophy of religion at Palm Beach Atlantic University)

    “I wish this incredible resource was available when I was going through my own season of doubt and nobody I knew seemed prepared to answer, or even think about my questions. I eventually found good answers on my own and made it through that time stronger in faith than ever before. But so many who share the beginning of my story don’t share its end. I wholeheartedly recommend TalkAboutDoubts.com for those who are now going through what I once went through. If you have a head full of serious and sincere questions about the truth of Christianity but nobody you know seems equipped to help you through it with more than pat answers, check out this amazing, free resource. They’ve got time, and answers, for you.”

    Mike Winger (teacher at BibleThinker.org)


    “I am officially a confident Christian… I think without you I would have become an atheist or agnostic. I think there is a strong cumulative case for Christianity… My faith has never been like this. It’s informed, it’s active, it’s connected to my reality. It’s so so so amazing. I’m so excited to help others and keep learning and to make this stuff my life’s work.”

    “It’s alleviated a lot of weight off of me, it’s much easier to pray with a clear conscience. After reading a lot of shaky academia for almost a year and a half straight, the shock value finally wore off. It’s refreshing to think clearly again.”

    “Thank you for showing love and patience…when I was deconstructing. It played a major role in saving and reconstructing my faith.”

    “I just wanted to say again that words probably can’t explain how much of a help and spiritual boost this is on my faith. I was blown away by our conversation, and I’m so thankful to have found your service. I feel very loved by God to have gotten all this info so readily, and I am very hopeful that I can finally be out of the woods re my lingering nagging doubts, which have been hindering my ability to run well in the faith.”

    “After our conversation…I just feel so much more confident in my journey of Faith… Thank you. I feel so much more eager to read the Bible and study theologians, I feel reassured that I can come to your ministry and ask my questions as they surface from my readings.”

    “This website is amazing, and I will certainly tell other people about it. You have been such a help and encouragement to me. Particularly, the fact that you and your colleagues are prepared to do this freely is such evidence of the love and ability God has given you for helping and strengthening the faith of His people. This in itself strengthens my faith.”

    “I submitted my question and I was able to talk to top Christian scholars [who] really helped me navigate these topics. What I thought was going to be the destruction of my faith ended up being the blossoming of my faith into a more deep and personal relationship with Christ himself. If you’re ever having doubts about Christianity, please don’t quit on Christ and submit your questions here and connect with some of the top Christian scholars in the world and let them help you navigate these issues.”

    “The countless resources provided…were incredible. Having studied with several theological institutes, I was almost frustrated that these arguments and resources were never placed in my hand! But, I’m grateful I have them now… I can rest assured in God’s reality and His precious promises because they are expressed in a reliable and trustworthy text… I have experienced a renewed prayer life that is simple, short, and sweet. I will forever be indebted to you gentlemen. Thank you so much.”

    Visit our YouTube channel.

    At our YouTube channel, you can find video testimonials, presentations, panel Q&As, short videos, and much more.


    The Collective.

    A few of the people who are part of the TalkAboutDoubts.com team.

    Dr Tim McGrew

    Academic Field: Philosophy PhD

    Dr William Dembski

    Academic Field: Philosophy PhD

    Dr Jonathan McLatchie

    Academic Field: Biology PhD

    Dr Justin Bass

    Academic Field: New Testament PhD

    Dr David Galloway

    Academic Field: Medical Physician MD DSc

    Dr Max Baker-Hytch

    Academic Field: Philosophy PhD

    Kyle Huitt

    Academic Field: Philosophy PhD Cand.

    Wesley Huff

    Academic Field: New Testament PhD Cand.

    Dr Luke Barnes

    Academic Field: Astronomy PhD

    Dr Reitze Rodseth

    Academic Field: Anaesthesiology PhD

    Lisa Quintana

    Academic Field: Apologetics MA

    Dr Braxton Hunter

    Academic Field: Theology / Apologetics DMin

    Dr Travis Campbell

    Academic Field: Philosophical Theology PhD

    Allen Hainline

    Software and Systems Engineering MSc

    Dr Guillaume Bignon

    Academic Field: Philosophical Theology PhD

    Dr Eric Vestrup

    Academic Field: Statistics PhD

    Dr Chris Winchester

    Academic Field: New Testament PhD

    Dr Stephen Boyce

    Academic Field: New Testament PhD

    Pierre le Roux

    Academic Field: Biology PhD Cand.

    Daniel Woolnough

    Academic Field: Philosophy DPhil Cand.

    Dr Julie Reese

    Academic Field: Psychology PhD

    Dr Casey Luskin

    Academic Field: Geology PhD

    Dr Brandon Eidson

    Academic Field: Engineering PhD

    Dr Andrew McNeill

    Academic Field: Psychology PhD

    Dr Michael Egnor

    Academic Field: Neurosurgery MD

    David Deane

    Academic Field: Philosophy MA

    Dr Brian Miller

    Academic Field: Physics PhD

    Dr Mike Keas

    Academic Field: History of Science PhD

    Dr Douglas Axe

    Academic Field: Chemical Engineering PhD

    Dr Titus Kennedy

    Academic Field: Biblical Archaeology PhD

    Dr Douglas Petrovich

    Academic Field: Egyptology PhD

    Erik Manning

    Academic Field: New Testament Autodidact

    Dr Ken Wolgemuth

    Academic Field: Geology PhD

    Justin Head

    Academic Field: Apologetics Autodidact

    Joshua Anderson

    Academic Field: Philosophical Theology PhD Cand.

    Dr C. John Collins

    Academic Field: Hebrew PhD

    Tom Gilson

    Academic Field: Psychology MS

    Carson Weitnauer

    Academic Field: Philosophy BA

    Dr Jason Neill

    Academic Field: Psychology PhD

    Dr Emily Reeves

    Academic Field: Biochemistry PhD

    Terrell Clemmons

    Academic Field: Computer Science BS

    Emily Morales

    Academic Field: Molecular Biology BS

    Richard Porter

    Academic Field: Apologetics Autodidact

    Dr David Graieg

    Academic Field: New Testament PhD

    Dr Scott Minnich

    Academic Field: Microbiology PhD

    Contact us.

    Want to partner with us or share your story or outcome of your 1-on-1 conversation? Please use the email below and or social links to contact us and one of the team will be in touch. Thank you!

